From: Chief Privacy Officer Kent Wada
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2020 4:56 PM
Subject: Guidance on Protecting Privacy and Data During Remote Working and Teaching Using Zoom
To the Campus Community:
The University protects the privacy of faculty, students, and staff while working or participating in academic programs. Use of remote delivery software and technologies heightens the criticality of privacy and the need to use the least invasive means of engaging in these alternative methods of conducting our activities. Existing law and policy that address privacy remain in effect.
All faculty, staff and students must follow these principles:
- Video or audio recording of a lecture is permitted but only with advance notice and opportunity to opt out of video/audio participation. To enable the recording feature, the host must first download and install the native Zoom app on their computer.
- Where recording is permitted, it is permitted only by the host (typically instructor or meeting chair). Students in a class and/or meeting participants and any student-hosted meetings are prohibited from recording of any kind. Disability accommodations relating to recordings are addressed in the specific guidance in the link referenced below.
- Video or audio recording (including taping, recording, photographing, screen capture and other methods of capture) for purposes other than instruction is prohibited absent a strong rationale and only if the host provides advance notice and opportunity to opt out of video/audio participation.
- During video conferencing, there is a chat function that permits participants to ask questions and engage in dialogue as the class or meeting proceeds. Recording, including photographing, screen capture, or other copying methods of chat exchanges is prohibited except by the instructor or meeting chair when advance notice is provided.
- Online advising can occur via chat, audio, or video conferencing using Zoom or other approved software tools, or by phone. Sessions should not be recorded; rather, the advisor should log notes in the customary fashion.
Zoom is the primary approved software tool for remote live and recorded academic sessions and meetings. For the specific guidance on how to appropriately use Zoom while affording privacy protection, including approved notification language that provides opt out options, see Guidance on Protecting Privacy and Data During Remote Working and Teaching Using Zoom while COVID-19 Modifications are in Effect.
Kent Wada
Chief Privacy Officer
Director, Policy and Privacy, Office of Information Technology