How privacy is balanced against the many rights, values, and desires of our society is among the most challenging issues of our time. The Office of the UCLA Chief Privacy Officer has licensed the documentary film, Terms and Conditions May Apply (TACMA), for UCLA to help foster a campus dialog about privacy. Streaming of TACMA is generously made possible by the Office of Instructional Development.
Watch the Film
Use your UCLA logon to stream the film for free.
Technical notes: There are multiple versions to choose from:
- Desktop – full length version (79 mins)
- Desktop – A slightly abbreviated version (58 mins)
- Apple (iOS) mobile devices – full length version (79 mins)
- Apple (iOS) mobile devices – abbreviated version (58 mins)
Silverlight is required for viewing, and may already be installed on your computer. If not, a plugin is available for PC and Mac (for Mac, choose the “Flip4Mac” option).
If you encounter technical issues, please contact
Film streaming is made possible by the generous support of the Office of Instructional Development (OID).